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Laser Dentistry

Close up of a dental expert at Dr. Martha Rich, DMD holding a tool used for laser dentistry Although laser dentistry may seem like a new phenomenon, dental lasers have actually been in common use since the mid-1990s. Initially, dental lasers were only effective on the gums and other soft-tissues of the mouth. Periodontal treatment and minor soft-tissue surgeries were the primary applications in those early days. But the promise of laser dentistry was clear: post-surgical healing was faster, and in many cases far less anesthetic was required.

Today, dental laser technology has progressed to now include a family of instruments that can be used for both hard- and soft-tissue applications. Post-operative healing continues to be superior to traditional drilling and surgical methods, less anesthesia is required during treatment, and more healthy tooth structure and soft-tissue can be preserved because lasers are so much more precise than a drill or a scalpel.

The Benefits of Laser Dentistry

Dr. Rich has been offering laser and laser-assisted dental services to her patients since 2002. She is committed to staying on top of the current improvements in both instrumentation and technique, continuously upgrading her equipment and advancing her skills as new dental laser treatments are proven safe and effective.

Not every dental condition is appropriate for laser treatment, and only a thorough examination will determine whether or not laser dentistry is right for you. When appropriate, however, the benefits of laser dentistry are clearly superior to traditional methods, resulting in:
•  Faster healing and reduced post operative pain
•  Little or no inflammation after treatment
•  Significantly reduced risk of infection
•  Regrowth of both hard and soft tissues
•  Minimal bleeding or no bleeding

Treatment and Services

Dr. Rich currently utilizes three different types of hard and soft-tissue lasers in her practice. Here are some examples of just a few of the dental laser treatments now available:
•  Early and late treatment of periodontal disease
•  Laser-assisted bone grafting and tissue regeneration, allowing otherwise "untreatable" teeth to be saved
•  Treatment for sensitive roots, mouth sores and cold sores
•  Hard- and soft-tissue crown lengthening, restoring teeth that might otherwise require extraction
•  Removal of plaque and calculus
•  Infection control, significantly reducing pathogenic bacterial colonies in the mouth
•  Treatment of "gummy smiles"
•  Cavity treatment and fillings with less anesthesia required and more tooth structure preserved
•  Muscle and joint pain relief, including stiffness and spasm related to TMJ disorders

Learn More

For more information on the different types of dental lasers and how they work, please take a look at the following articles:

What Is Laser Dentistry?
The Benefits of Laser Dentistry

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Dr. Martha Rich, DMD | | (503) 228-6870
833 SW 11th Ave, Suite 405 Portland, OR 97205
Copyright © 2018-2025 Dr. Martha Rich, DMD and WEO Media (Touchpoint Communications LLC). All rights reserved.  Sitemap
Dr. Martha Rich, DMD, 833 SW 11th Ave, Suite 405 Portland, OR 97205 • (503) 228-6870 • • 1/29/2025 • Page Keywords: dentist Portland OR •